
Web-enhanced instruction refers to face-to-face (F2F) education that uses technology as a supplement, for a number of reasons:

  • millennials find it very intuitive to work with web-based resources
  • great way to share web-based resources (reduces the risk of errors introduced when typing a URL from a print source)
  • convenient anytime, anywhere access to course assets
  • convenient digital format (searchable, downloadable, printable, shareable)
  • alternative to printing (saves ink/paper).

At a minimum, a Web-enhanced F2F class will have the syllabus available online. Course assets typically added to the online learning management system can include:

  • administrative documents (syllabus, schedule, weights)
  • lectures (typically in PowerPoint or PDF format) — transcript needed for any narrated portions
  • lecture captures (ECHO 360) — need to be closed captioned or accompanied by a transcript
  • supplemental instructional materials (esp. Websites)
  • student support resources (tech support, disability support, computer labs, writing labs, etc.).

Whenever the online learning management system is used, distance-learning best practices (such as need for annotations, instructions, accessibility checks, etc.) apply.

See also: distance learning, face-to-face, hybrid, and eLearning.

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