I am out of the country

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 3.32.13 PMDear Augusta University clients and colleagues,

I am currently out of the country, on a business/research trip to Asia. I will return at the end of June.

While I am away, here are some ways in which you can get the assistance that you need:

1. Email me. I will be checking my email daily from my cell phone, business schedule and on-site wifi permitting. Please note that I am on a 12~13-hour time difference during this trip, so my response will find you with a delay.

2. Visit my site. Whether you are looking for D2L help or for something else, you might find the answer you are looking for on the spot. I recommend using my site “Search” feature (on the right-hand side of the page) to get the quickest search results.

3. Contact one of my colleagues. If you need assistance with pressing matters that I cannot address via email, call 706-721-4000 or contact my colleagues (and CC me) as follows:

For instructional technology support (e.g., D2L, ECHO 360, etc.), please contact:

For instructional design support (e.g., writing outcomes, designing learning activities, building content, designing the grade book, etc.), please contact:

TwitterI will be posting updates from my trip through my Twitter account. You can follow me at https://twitter.com/geolawsdesign.

I wish you a productive and peaceful day,


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