Earned Imperial College of London Certificate in Sustainability
July 13, 2022
As we are tackling the massive global issues of poverty, overpopulation, limited resources, and climate change, we need more sustainability leaders to promote corporate social responsibility, the triple bottom line (people, profits, and the planet), and social innovation, among other sustainable practices.
I really enjoyed this course from the Imperial College Business School and have been focusing more and more on the #UNESCO sustainable development goals in my teaching. I highly recommend the course – the Imperial College of London invested a pretty penny in high-quality video production and the course leader, Paolo Taticchi, invited numerous distinguished guest speakers to be part of the class. If you do not wish to pursue the certificate, you can still take this class for free via EdX at https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-corporate-sustainability-social-in
Thank you, Paolo, ICL, and EdX for bringing this programming to the world for free! Here’s to a more #SustainableFuture