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Novell to Box Transition

We will phase out the Novell shares and move to Box based on the following timeline:

  1. Box Design: meetings are taking place right now between each department and us (instructional systems analyst and instructional designer) to design the folder architecture and permissions in Box and help put in place departmental policies related to Box.
  2. Box Training:
    • My instructional systems analyst counterpart will provide Box training to the security authority within each department, as s/he gets ready to move data from Novell to Box, according to the design finalized in the first phase.
    • All department users receive Box training once the folder structure and permissions are in place.
  3. Novell Phase Out:
    • Data needs to move from Novell to Box by end of April 2016. Novell will be read only by April 30th.
    • Novell goes away completely on May 31st.

Some just-in-time video tutorials are available through the Box community.

Please direct any questions about this Novell to Box transition to my instructional systems analyst counterparts (CAHS and DCG) and CC me. Thank you!
