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A high-resolution PDF version is available here, at no cost; simply honor the Creative Commons license.
Many family members, colleagues, and friends reached out to congratulate me on the completion of my doctoral journey—thank you! Some asked what kind of doctor I am now. Here is best way I can think of explaining it.
It is true; I am a doctor. Yet not a doctor doctor. Just a doctor of education. I do not take the temperature of patients or listen to their heart and lungs with a stethoscope. I just try to understand what causes complex problems in colleges and universities and then try to eliminate those causes in collaboration with experts in the field.
I focus on online education because it allows equal access to learning, regardless of where you live and when you have time to study. My heart is in encouraging quality in education because we have the awesome responsibility of bringing up Alex’s generation (my son, who is about to turn 11)—the generation that has to fix the local as well as global problems we feel today and to stay ahead of the unpredictable problems we will face in the future.
I am a doctor of education. I am a simple servant, humbly contributing to making the path smoother for my son, for your daughter, for all of our children to benefit from quality education that adequately prepares them for a world of rapid change. To help them trust their intuition and learn to tap into their infinite potential. To help them be reflective, healthy, and happy. To help them look for the solution to all problems within themselves. To help them make a meaningful contribution to our collective future.
Thank you and God bless! 🙏🏼
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Curriculum Vitae • Glossary • News • Online Resources • Personal • Philosophy • Portfolio • Presentations • Publications • Research • Strengths • Testimonials
Welcome to geolawsdesign.com! This site is dedicated to presenting my professional background and sharing resources about online education—be it in leadership, scholarship, instructional/curriculum design, and/or teaching.
If there are online resources you’d like to see added to my site, please email me at drglaws@gmail.com and I’ll be happy to oblige.
PS: You may have known this site in its previous form, as a resource for my instructional-design services at Augusta University. As of Fall 2017, I re-purposed the site as my professional online presence. For my services at Augusta University, visit the OFDTE page.
Warm regards,
Dr. Georgianna (Geo) Laws
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Prefered pronoun: we
I’d like to make the radical proposition that if you were to go to your course’s “primary-care physician” (a.k.a. your instructional designer) to have a conversation about how to keep your course “healthy”, you’d also hear about essential vitamins.
So what are these essential course vitamins? What effects do they have on courses? And how do you “give” them to a course? For these answers and more, check back in with my blog.
The following message is adapted from a communication by Mr. Jeff Galant, ALG program manager:
August is Adaptive and Authoring Software Month for Affordable Learning Georgia! This free web event series:
The companies are as follows:
See full schedule of events @ http://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/events/adaptive_authoring
See archived and upcoming events @ http://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/events/training
Today, as we commemorate our nation’s signing of the Declaration of Independence, claiming our independence from Great Britain (ironically – a nation about to claim its own independence from the European Union), I feel deep gratitude for the privilege of being a citizen of our great United States of America.
There are many kinds of independence but the one I’ve been contemplating lately is independence of fear. When I moved to Augusta to take my current job, a friend had sent me off with the advice to live fearlessly. I did for a while and then forgot… As I was trying to recapture what it means to not be afraid (so that I may remember it for myself and pass it on to my son and hopefully inspire those around me), I found threefold inspiration this 4th of July weekend. As the proverb goes: ask and you shall receive! Continue reading
Dear all,
I am back in Augusta and will resume work next week (Monday, 6/27~). Hope you have a great weekend and go ahead and start scheduling for any appointments you need with me. Looking forward to assisting you!
Warm regards,
Due to the high demand for meetings to work on the transition from this semester to the next, and drawing inspiration from daylight savings, I am temporarily reducing the base duration of meetings from 1 hour to 30 minutes.
This will allow me to see more faculty clients in a day. If you feel we need more meeting time, you have the option to add 30 or even 60 minutes to our 30-minute base when you make the appointment.
I hope you will enjoy the prompter service. Let me know what you think!
Looking for fresh ideas as you are (re)designing your summer course(s)?
Happy designing!
The answer, as one of my colleagues and great teachers likes to say, is always “it depends”. In this post, I will try to demystify instructional design (also known as systematic instructional design). Continue reading
Today I just bought an audio book on my phone. That is such a long way from how my relationships with books started! Continue reading
In this second part, I’ll go over the “right brain” which represents the unique modules specific to your course. Continue reading
This tutorial walks you through the process of adding faculty members to the course you direct. Continue reading
The D2L Spring 2016 courses are now ready for you to populate! As you get started working on your course(s), consider the following tips:
This is a fun exercise we go through each semester. I love the fact that it allows us to integrate our left and right brain – after all, every course needs a bit of logic and a bit of creativity! In this first part, I’ll go over the “left brain” which represents the standard modules—basically modules that can benefit every single course. Continue reading
As part of the National Distance Learning Week (NDLW), I had the privilege of giving a presentation at the 2015 NDLW conference organized by the University of South Carolina, Aiken. Continue reading
I am beginning to do some research into student-to-student interaction in online courses.
If you came across some really good research articles and/or resources on this topic, kindly share them with me at glaws@gru.edu. I’ll compile all the research and summarize it in a future blog post.
Thank you!
Did you ever need to meet with a student while s/he was off-campus? Would you find it helpful to meet with students who are both off-campus and on-campus all at the same time? Augusta University’s new WebEx platforms offer several options to fill these needs. Continue reading
So then the question becomes:
How can we make education more affordable?
August 17th is the start of the Fall 2015 semester. Here are a couple of tips to get you (and our students) off to a great start. If you have questions about any of these tips, please contact me. Also, please share your own tips as a comment to this post.
With the end of the semester in sight, the topic of final grade is on everyone’s mind. Here is a quick reference guide for most everything you want to know on regarding submitting final grades in D2L and Pounce.
What if I told you there was a competitive grant award available to help you (or your entire department) to use more open education resources and bring more value to your students for less buck?
Looking for fresh ideas as you are (re)designing your Fall 2015 courses?
Open was a big buzz word at the recent Distance Learning Administration conference. Open educational resources basically aim to reduce barriers to academic content. Could such materials work in your class? Let’s have a look at some basics.
Through Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG), the University System of Georgia (USG) aims to provide affordable textbook alternatives to distance-learning students. These electronic alternatives are low cost or free (most typically in the form of open education resources), and build on GALILEO and USG library resources.
Recently, ALG shared information about how you can use GALILEO resources within your D2L course. Let’s have a look at what is available to you and how it can benefit our students.
I just got back from the Distance Learning Administration (DLA) conference and let me tell you… it was fantastic. Hosted at the historic Jekyll island club hotel, this conference attracts eLearning administrators, faculty, staff (including instructional designers, technologists, and librarians) from many educational institutions around the nation. One of the topics discussed in multiple presentations was massive online open courses or MOOCs for short.
As a designer and/or instructor, I am a lot more accurate and efficient whenever I use course-development plans. What do I mean by “course-development plans” you ask? In a nutshell, such a plan specifies what happens in the course, in what sequence, and for what purpose. This document is built early on (in the instructional-design stage in the ADDIE model) and acts as a guide the course production and post-production. Continue reading
Research shows that active discussions among online learners are essential to cognitive gain as well as student satisfaction with and perceived learning from asynchronous online learning [1-10]. But how can faculty teaching online courses ensure that students do not engage in shallow participation, but actively engage with the subject matter and peers, use critical thinking, and create new meaning? What goes beyond knowing and gets students to do something with their knowledge? In other words, what makes a discussion successful?
Continue reading
If so, the following 30-second video will show you how. The video does not have narration but it does have subtitles. To enable/disable the subtitles, click the CC symbol (found at the bottom right corner of the screen after you start playing the video).
Continue reading
For a guided tour of the template, please refer to this narrated video. To enable/disable the subtitles, click the CC symbol (found at the bottom right corner of the screen after you start playing the video).
Continue reading
I created this blog to be able to serve as big an audience as possible among my client groups at Georgia Regents University.
My intent is to use this blog to disseminate information that:
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Did you notice that your D2L menu just got bigger? It’s because we now have the Attendance tool. Look for it at the top left corner of the screenshot in Figure 1, between Course Home and Classlist. Continue reading
As you get ready for a new semester, let’s have a quick look at how you prepare your D2L course.
As you get ready for a new semester, let’s have a quick look at your content and resources.
As you get ready for a new semester, let’s have a quick look at your course syllabus.