Come eat your lunch with us and ask us any instructional design or technology questions you have as you get ready for the Summer 2015 semester. Event taking place in the Physical Therapy conference room (EC-1306) from 12 – 1 pm on:
- Tue, May 12
- Tue, May 19 (first week of the summer semester)
- Tue, May 26.
2. Getting Started with D2L Workshop
Are you new to D2L? Been a long time since you used D2L? Wonder how you could achieve a particular instructional need using D2L? Please join us for an hour-long “getting started with D2L” session. This interactive session will offer an overview of teaching, interacting, assessing, and grading with D2L from a design a technology standpoint. To make the most of the session, please come prepared with specific needs and questions. Or just join us and learn what possibilities D2L offers that may benefit your class. For questions that cannot be answered during this session or to get personalized assistance with your D2L needs, we recommend that you make a subsequent appointment with Georgianna (how to best use D2L for your specific needs) and/or Randle (technical how to, e.g., what buttons to click in D2L). Space is limited. To reserve a spot, please click here to email us and mention your name, what your needs/questions are, and which session you intend to attend. Walk-ins are welcome but reservations are strongly encouraged. This session is offered as follows:
- Wed, April 29, 4 – 5 pm, in EC 2231 (computer lab capacity: 24)
- Thu, April 30, 10:30 – 11:30 am, in EC 2204 (computer lab capacity: 25)
- Thu, April 30, 3 – 4 am, in EC 2204 (computer lab capacity: 25)
- Fri, May 1, 11:15 am – 12:15 pm, in EC 2216 (computer lab capacity: 48)
- Additional sessions available upon request.
3. Other Ways to Prep for the Upcoming Semester
- Subsequent sessions and/or other topics can be offered. Just tell us what you need (leave a reply below of contact us).
- On-demand private sessions are available year round.
- Tips for preparing for an upcoming semester can be found in 3 of my past blogs posts: Part 1: Syllabus, Part 2: Content & Resources, and Part 3: D2L.
How ’bout you?
What are your thoughts on the workshops and drop-in consultations Randle and I offer? Please leave us comment. We’d love to hear from you!