The following are Augusta University’s course section instructional delivery codes (instructional method):
Click + next to the codes below to expand them and x to collapse them.
E = Entirely at a Distance (100%)
Description: 100% of the class sessions are delivered through distance education technology. No visits to campus or designated site are required.
Example: A course that has no scheduled class meetings and all class sessions are via technology would be coded E.
F = Fully at a Distance (95%+)
Description: 95% + of class sessions are delivered via distance education technology, and 5% delivered on campus or at some other designated site, such as an orientation, an exam, or some other on‐site experience.
Example: A course that requires students to meet for an orientation on the first day of class and to meet for the final exam would be coded F.
P = Partially at a Distance (50-95%)
Description: Between 50% and up to 95% of class sessions are delivered via distance education technology, but some visits to a classroom or designated instructional site are required.
Example: A course that is scheduled to meet M,W,F, but only meets on Wednesday, with Monday and Friday class sessions replaced by technology would be coded P.
H = Hybrid Delivery (up to 50%)
Description: Up to 50% of class sessions are delivered via distance education technology. At least half of the class sessions meet in a classroom or at a designated instructional site.
Example: A course that is scheduled to meet T,Th, but only meets Tuesday, with Thursday class session replaced by technology would be coded H.
T = Technology Enhanced (0%)
Description: Technology is used in delivering instruction to all students in the section, but no class sessions are replaced by technology.
Example: A course that is scheduled to meet T,Th and meets each class session, with some course materials available online, would be coded T.
N = No Technology (0%)
Description: Class sessions meet regularly in a classroom or other designated
instructional site.
Example: A course that is scheduled to meet T,Th, meets each class session, does not have any materials available online, and does not use D2L or any other technology outside of class
would be coded N.
Note: Any technology used during a face‐to‐face class session should not be considered when determining the course code. Only technology that is used outside of the classroom should be considered.
See also course section technology.