ECHO 360

What is ECHO 360?

ECHO 360 (or ECHO for short) is the lecture capture technology used at our university.

How can I get help with ECHO?

For training and troubleshooting, reach out to your embedded instructional systems analyst.

What’s the advisable length of ECHO recordings?

From a design standpoint, it is best to keep recording to 3-5 minutes (and here is why); this type of recording is known as microlearning.

Here is what the University of South Carolina recommends when creating video lectures: best practices & captioning with YouTube.

What accessibility factors are advisable in working with ECHO?

According to universal design best practices (and accessibility federal law), instruction (and online instruction in particular) needs to be accessible. Consider offering a transcript to go along with your recording.

Which ECHO Link to Use?

When your recording is published to the ECHO 360 server, you’ll get an email looking like the image below. When posting your recording to D2L (Brightspace), you’ll want to use the rich media playback link. This link takes students directly to your recording.


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