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D2L Continuous Release Upgrade

D2L just got better and we’ll soon have access to that improved version!

  • We’ve moved to a continuous release model whereby, every (4th Friday of the) month we’re going to automatically get the latest improvements made to Brighstspace/D2L.
  • The December 2015 continuous upgrade:
    • will move us from version 10.3.0 service pack 13 to version 10.5.5
    • is scheduled to take place from 5 pm on Friday, December 18th to 5 am on Saturday, December 19th.
  • Here is a summary of the upgrades available in version 10.5.5 (original document simplified).
  • As part of our December 2015 upgrade, we’ll have the Classlist email tool default to BCC rather than TO, for FERPA protection.

For an overview of what is included in the December 2015 continuous release, please watch the following 6-minute video from Brightspace/D2L.

See also Sneak Peak at D2L Improvments for December 2015.
