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DLA Conference

The DLA ConferenceMy PresentationConference Photos

The week of June 29th, I represented the College of Allied Health Sciences and Georgia Regents University as a presenter at the 2015 Distance Learning Administration (DLA) conference. Sponsored by the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration and The University of West Georgia, the DLA conference has to do with the administration, management, planning, and evaluation of distance learning programs.

On behalf of my team, I talked about online coursepacks as a convenient way to provide copyright-cleared materials to distance-learning students. This presentation stemmed from a wonderful collaboration I had with Dr. Vahe Heboyan and Ms. Maryska Connolly-Brown (who sadly is no longer at GRU).

Many thanks to my generous sponsors: Dr. Lester Pretlow and Dr. Vahe Heboyan. Also many thanks to my colleagues who will provide design assistance while I was away (June 29 – July 5), Ms. Ashley Cullum, Ms. Davina Smalley, and Dr. Sara Bryan.
