I. Accessing Your Fall 2015 Courses
To access your Fall 2015 course(s), please:
- log into our learning management system via lms.gru.edu
- authenticate with your GRU username and password
- search for your course subject and number.
Click + to expand and x to collapse.
For instance, if you were looking for the CTCM 7000, Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine course, you’d use the “Search for courses” box at the top of your My Courses widget (shown below) to type “CTCM 7000” or “CTCM-7000”.
The Fall 2015 offerings will be preceded by “2015-FA” (i.e., 2015-FA-CTCM-7000-M Intro to Tradition Chinese Med), to differentiate this course shell from any created in previous semesters.
After you access the course once, it will stay in your list of 10 last accessed courses. If you use more than 10 course a semester, ask us how you can pin courses in place.
II. Copying A Past Course Into Your Fall 2015 Course Shell
To copy materials from a previous semester into your Fall 2015 course shell, consider the instructions available in Service Now. Be sure to start the copy process in the Fall 2015 course (rather than in your past course).
III. Services and Training Available
The instructional support team can assist with any course (re)design and technology training needs, as follows:
Instructional Technology:
Click the college for which you work to read details about your embedded instructional systems analyst.
College of Allied Health Sciences
For assistance with instructional technology, please contact Mr. Randle Berlin, the embedded CAHS instructional systems analyst, as follows: rberlin@gru.edu • (706) 721-4922 office • (706) 726-2367 mobile • EC 1207A.
College of Dental Medicine
For assistance with instructional technology, please contact Mr. Erick Lemon, the embedded CoDM instructional systems analyst, as follows: elemon@gru.edu • (706) 721-3359• AB146.
Instructional Design:
Also, as you prepare your course for Fall 2015, I invite you to:
- consider the three-part blog posts on getting your courses ready for the upcoming semester;
- take a moment to browse through the list of available instructional-design services and training;
- locate the service/training that benefits you most at this time (you’ll find lots of options, depending of whether you are creating a new course or using/improving an existing one)
- book an appointment via my new, 24/7 online scheduling system.
- contribute your insights and experiences to the topics I blog about at http://www.geolawsdesign.com/.
Instructional-Design Appointment Tips
- Booking early is recommended, to avoid the before-the-semester rush.
- Once you book an appointment, click the iCal/Outlook export link to automatically add the appointment to your GRU Outlook calendar.
- You’ll be able to modify our appointment at the click of a button, if your schedule evolves.
Have a great fall semester!