The D2L Spring 2016 courses are now ready for you to populate! As you get started working on your course(s), consider the following tips:
Spring? I’m still grading Fall!
Learn how to submit final grades in D2L and Pounce.
Where is my Spring course?
To access your course(s), go to lms.gru.edu, authenticate, and then look for “2016-SP-prefix–number” using the search box. So if you were looking for CTCM 7000, for instance, you’d search for “2016-SP-CTCM-7000”.
I need to see an older version of the course.
If you’d like to see previous versions of the course, email me or my technology counterpart with the “year-semester-prefix-number” of the past course(s) you’d need to see. As a courtesy to the previous course owner, please get his/her permission to be enrolled as an instructor prior to making the request.
I need to copy and older version of the course.
If you wish to bring in a copy of the course from a previous semester into the Spring 2016 semester, follow the instructions available in Service Now. Be sure to start the copy process in the Spring 2016 course (rather than in your past course).
I need to crosslist/share courses.
Please direct your request to merge course sections into one D2L course shell as follows:
- crosslist requests (for courses that share the same physical classroom space) go to the Registrar
- share requests (for courses that do not share the same physical classroom space) go to your instructional systems analyst.
How do I add a faculty member to my course?
See my recent blog post on this topic.
What’s the best way to organize my modules?
See my recent 2-part blog post on this topic.
Is a new version of D2L going to be available this Spring?
Yes! We are moving up to the latest version between the evening of Friday, December 18 and the morning of Staurday, December 19th. You can read more about it in this news item.
Still have questions?
Feel free to contact me or book an appointment for us to set up your course(s) in D2L.